Rollin With Lindsay

Thursday 5 December 2019

Stage Managing - My Top Tips

Image by John Utton @ Peel Of Fortune

Like anything with me it's took me a while to realise that I'm actually quite good at my job. Iv'e staged managed for just over four years now and I kinda just fell into it. predominantly within Burlesque and Cabaret. Four years ago I got a message from my cousin Tawny F*cking Kay. it read something along the lines 'you've worked in theatre right? can you help kitten for my show in March?' I'm not going to pretend I reluctantly agreed because I practically bit her hand off. Iv'e always been interested in Burlesque, naively at the beginning more for the style of it all, the glitter, the image the lifestyle. what I have learnt in the last four years is that Burlesque is so much more than this and so much more spectacular. it's life changing, political and empowering but that's a whole new blog post. so after four years of wiping cream from the floors, sweeping glitter and checking and re-checking and RE-CHECKING set up's I'm going to share with you my Five Top Tip's to stage managing.

ONE- Introduce yourself.

Sounds obvious right? but you need to know your team as well as your performers. Introduce yourself to the venue staff, sound and lighting. If you are meeting someone for the first time and has not been specified before hand ask for peoples pronouns. If you struggle with this introduce yourself with your pronouns this will invite others to use theirs. If I am responsible for collecting peoples tech before hand I will request pronouns on the tech. When you introduce yourself ask for someones performers name, if you can not pronounce it ASK AGAIN performers would much rather you ask  than get it wrong. you can also ask if they prefer being referred to by their performer name or their birth name. 

TWO-Check your tech, don't be afraid to ask questions.

I will re-read my tech sheets at least ten times a show I always cross reference these with the performers in person to make sure that these are correct. If you are unsure don't be afraid to ask again, there's nothing wrong with having something explained a couple of times. I'm a visual learner and don't understand written word very well, I don't retain information well that way. I often ask the performer to physically show me their set up in the run through if I'm unsure.

THREE- Know your props

Have a conversation about the props and specify with the performer if they would like to keep hold of  the items before they perform or if you are able to store them backstage. Burlesque has a quick turn around so strategically placing props back stage can make a massive difference and make your pick up's and set up's swift. I also ask if there's any items that are particularly expensive/of importance. OF COURSE you need to be careful with all property but it's always nice to have a heads up.

FOUR- Know your timing's.

 If you have ever worked with me you'll know that I'm often able to get the times down to the minute. I like to be precise. It's your responsibility to make sure that the performers are all ready on time. Be direct but not rude. It's okay, sometimes you do need to say 'come on people, we need to get moving' it's okay that's your job. Make note of the intervals and how long they are. If you are taking a break make sure you are always back in at least three minutes before the next half. 

 FIVE- Check in.

Whenever I'm stage managing I'm constantly checking in on the performers, all it takes is a simple 'Is there anything anyone needs?' it makes a massive difference. I also ask the producer if they are happy with everything. This not only opens the floor for people to ask for help but it also gives you a bit of reassurance that you are on it.

I love stage managing for Burlesque and Cabaret. I love how appreciated the stage managers are and that they are actively encouraged to be part of the performance. I actually love the pressure and it's usually when at my best.  



Monday 21 October 2019

Let's Talk Lady V London

I love a vintage inspired dress. I tell you what I love even more...A well fitting, comfortable and affordable dress. 
Lady V London have got that to a tea..tea..dress. Waheey, See what I did there? anyway less of that. Before being gifted items from Lady V London I was a customer of theirs and will continue to be. My first ever encounter with Lady V London I ordered a dress from them for the races and I was worried that it wouldn't come on time. I rang costumer service and within three rings a person...a real person answered the phone they assured me my dress would be on time and it was and from that point on I knew I'd be a returning costumer. 

By far my favourite dress of theirs is the Lyra. The Lyra dress is made of stretch, light weight fabric and beautifully comes in at the waist and elegantly flares out, stops just bellow the knee with a choice of either capped sleeves or sleeves that land just on the elbow. 

Pictured  is one of their limited edition Lyra Halloween Eyeball dresses that they stock up to a size 28 this dress was of course gifted.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Let's Talk Topsy #notjustasize


Let's talk Topsy #notjustasize

Recently I was lucky enough to be involved with Topsy Curvy's new campaign named Not Just A Size and I thought it would be apt to tell you all why I love Topsy Curvy so much. 

when it comes to a slogan I am the queen, I have always been a slogan tee wearer, often wearing thought provoking and political words across my chest. It gives me a sense of empowerment and ownership over my body, I think we are so lucky here in UK that we have the freedom to wear pretty much whatever we want and if that gives me an opportunity to stand up for something I believe in then I'm going to do so and what better brand matches my needs than Topsy Curvy. 

Topsy Curvy are a plus size brand and are not afraid to make a statement with their tee's. Some of my personal favourites read 'Don't be afraid to get on top, if he dies, he dies' 'No hun, you're thinner than me, not prettier than me' I will always have a great love for a brand that really stands with it's costumers and helps fight that very apparent fatphobia.

Topsy Curvy don't just create amazing clothes but also create a supportive online community. I have recently joined the Team Topsy group on Facebook where we talk about anything from dates, holiday's to then of course clothes and body confidence with over 7,000 members. What strikes me the most is you can see that to Jo and Nat (owners) you are not just a costumer, you're a of them and that's something I'm so grateful to feel a part of and even though the brand has massively grown in the last year they never fail to maintain that sense of real authenticity.

The clothes, of course whats a plus size brand without good clothes? Topsy curvy offer something for everyone stocking up to a size 34, from basics to nights out attire. I would be extremely shocked if you went on to their site and failed to see something you just had to have! their sizing is realistic and gives me hope that other plus size brands will follow suit and stock a much more inclusive range of sizes.

Iv'e been so grateful to be a small part of the Topsy gang and you shop their site using the code: LINDSAY10 for some moneys off.

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