Tuesday 10 September 2019

Let's Talk Topsy #notjustasize


Let's talk Topsy #notjustasize

Recently I was lucky enough to be involved with Topsy Curvy's new campaign named Not Just A Size and I thought it would be apt to tell you all why I love Topsy Curvy so much. 

when it comes to a slogan I am the queen, I have always been a slogan tee wearer, often wearing thought provoking and political words across my chest. It gives me a sense of empowerment and ownership over my body, I think we are so lucky here in UK that we have the freedom to wear pretty much whatever we want and if that gives me an opportunity to stand up for something I believe in then I'm going to do so and what better brand matches my needs than Topsy Curvy. 

Topsy Curvy are a plus size brand and are not afraid to make a statement with their tee's. Some of my personal favourites read 'Don't be afraid to get on top, if he dies, he dies' 'No hun, you're thinner than me, not prettier than me' I will always have a great love for a brand that really stands with it's costumers and helps fight that very apparent fatphobia.

Topsy Curvy don't just create amazing clothes but also create a supportive online community. I have recently joined the Team Topsy group on Facebook where we talk about anything from dates, holiday's to then of course clothes and body confidence with over 7,000 members. What strikes me the most is you can see that to Jo and Nat (owners) you are not just a costumer, you're a pal..one of them and that's something I'm so grateful to feel a part of and even though the brand has massively grown in the last year they never fail to maintain that sense of real authenticity.

The clothes, of course whats a plus size brand without good clothes? Topsy curvy offer something for everyone stocking up to a size 34, from basics to nights out attire. I would be extremely shocked if you went on to their site and failed to see something you just had to have! their sizing is realistic and gives me hope that other plus size brands will follow suit and stock a much more inclusive range of sizes.

Iv'e been so grateful to be a small part of the Topsy gang and you shop their site using the code: LINDSAY10 for some moneys off.


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